Sunday, July 14, 2013

Project SplashAttack

In the last 12 months I have:

  • Been diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)

  • Stopped lifting weights and exercising due to CFS

  • Gained fat and my strength has diminished
  • Gained weight
  • Changed from working full time to part time to taking extended leave

Monday 15 July is the first day of my twelve months off work and I have mixed thoughts.  What if I become lazy?  I am scared I may eat out of boredom.  What if my health doesn't improve in the tweleve months?  How can I keep a strong mind when all I want to do is go back to work?

I can sit here over-analysing the situation I am in and eat myself silly for twelve months.  Or I can be positive.  It is time to implement the Essentials that I posted about two years ago.  I will take my own advice and be accountable for my actions.  Here's a little glimpse of what lies ahead for Splasharama Version 2:

  • Complete personal training course that I deferred due to illness.
  • Walk for 15 minutes once or twice a week and increase the intensity and duration of exercise when my body allows.
  • Fuel my body adequately for energy, not to entertain my tastebuds.

In twelve months time I want to have no regrets and be the best version of me.  I call this version SplashAttack.  I will record my SplashAttack journey here.  Knowing I will blog my year will keep my mind strong as I don't want to report that I have failed or made bad decisions.  Unfortunately CFS drives what I can physically do and when I can do it.  Planning ahead doesn't always go to plan.  However, my mind determines what I do with my energy when I have it and how I fuel my body.

Project SplashAttack starts now.


  1. Best wishes Mary. You have come so far and have been so inspirational in that time that I am sure it will continue with your determination. Get better and look after you xo

  2. Good luck Mary, take care of yourself. Put yourself first and take advantage of this time.
